10 Best Legend Of Korra Moments

8. Korra Meets Iroh - A New Spiritual Age

Legend of Korra
Nickelodeon Animation Studio

We all lost our minds just a little when uncle Iroh returned for one last time in season 2 of Korra. Even people who absolutely despise this show can't bring themselves to hate A New Spiritual Age because - as we all know - any bad word said about Iroh is punishable with damnation to the secret 10th circle of hell.

Getting lost in the spirit world is never a fun time, as Korra learns almost immediately as she's not in there five minutes before the spirit world reduces her to a scared child.

But of course, a master of this world can move through it with ease, as shown when Iroh shows up to give Korra proper guidance to where she needs to go.

The scenes between them are a bit short, but poignant, helping to get across the themes of the season in a natural and cohesive way. As well as acting as a brief respite from the non stop action of the rest of the season before this. And of course, a brilliant appearance from one of the Avatar series' best characters.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?