10 Best Legend Of Korra Moments

6. Korra Training With Toph - The Calling

Legend of Korra
Nickelodeon Animation Studio

Season 3 of Korra did not end well at all for...well, Korra. Most crucially, she was mentally and emotionally scarred having lost the use of her legs.

She was also generally feeling straight up obsolete, seeing as how she basically did NOTHING to stop the bad guys and everyone else had to pick up her slack, so it's easy to see why Korra would run off the minute she got the use of her legs back.

What the girl needed to get back on her feet was some tough love. And who better to dish it out than the OG bad b*tch herself, Toph?

Like with Iroh, it was just a lot of fun to see this great character again. Her interactions with Korra, on top of being some of the most entertaining in the entire series, also help build on the narrative that Korra had subtly been constructing for the past 4 seasons: learning from your enemies.

Like with failure, your adversaries can be your greatest teachers if you approach what they represented in the right way. And thanks to Toph, Korra is able to be a more successful avatar through accepting her teachings.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?