10 Best Lost Plot Twists

8. Locke's Wheelchair

Lost Jack

Walkabout, one of the first season’s best episodes, began to shed light on John Locke’s past, and consolidated his position as one of Lost’s most intriguing characters. Through teases and uses of misdirection, such as the case of knives and the “Colonel Locke” phone call, the episode left viewers eager to find out more about the man capable of adapting swiftly to life on the Island, and who had survived an encounter with the Monster. But nothing could have prepared anyone for the shocking reveal that Locke was a wheelchair user before his arrival on the Island, which was cunningly concealed during the flashbacks by means such as having him sitting or lying down.

The twist highlighted just how intelligent and intricate Lost’s scripts were, and demonstrated the Island’s otherworldly power in an unforgettable way. From this point onwards, it was clear that the show was unafraid to take bold creative risks, and that nothing could be taken for granted.

Beyond its wider implications, the wheelchair twist in itself gave considerable emotional depth to Locke’s character, and his reaction to being able to feel and move his legs again was truly moving. This combination of sharp plotting and powerful character work would prove fundamental to Lost’s success.

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