10 Best Monsters Of The Week In Buffy The Vampire Slayer

3. Sunday

Buffy Gnarl
Mutant Enemy

Sunday is the kind of villain fans wished to have seen more of. Maybe some more appearances and a bigger arc would have helped Season Four become a better chapter of the show, but nonetheless it's great she got a chance to shine in at least one episode.

Played by Katharine Towne, Sunday was a vampire who fed on freshmen at the U.C Sunndydale campus. A sarcastic and funny antagonist, she ran her own group of teenage vampires (one of whom was the stereotypical example of high college student) and was a match for the Slayer in their first encounter, beating Buffy hand to hand and cementing herself as a pretty badass in her own right.

Apparently, she was originally conceived as a "Slaypire", a Slayer who is turned into a vampire. This would help explain how she was such a strong fighter, but the idea was unfortunately scrapped. It's safe to say that this would have been one good move, and she would have made a stronger Big Bad than Adam turned out to be.

Plus, could you imagine her interactions with Spike or Harmony? Pure brilliance squandered.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.