10 Best New TV Shows Of 2016 Ranked

9. Atlanta

Stranger Things

FX gives us a first-hand, clear look into lower-class, black American life, through it's new series, Atlanta. The multi-talented Donald Glover, star of Community, rapper, and to-be Lando Calrissian in the new Star Wars movie, is not only the show's creator but also one of the stars. Glover plays the role of business manager for his cousin, an aspiring rapper who goes by the name of Paper Boi.

The shows delivers honesty and uniqueness in the ever-growing, black American TV show boom of recent years. The characters are "real" and do not portray the stereotypical "gangsters and gangbangers from the hood." Scenes can be sad at times, and then extremely funny. The cast, right down to the extras, is amazing and each shot taken is beautiful in it's own way

Atlanta isn't just any show, as Glover rises above and beyond, and does an astounding job of capturing the real-life journey of an aspiring rapper, amidst the struggles and turmoils of daily life.


I like to think of myself as a world traveler and social butterfly, although I do spend a lot of my time watching the latest Japanese anime series, sitcoms, movies, and drama series. I live on the island of Crete, where I was born, and enjoy walking on the beach with my little cocker spaniel, Molly, when I'm not writing for WhatCulture.com and UNILAD.co.uk.