10 Best Parks And Recreation Guest Stars

1. Fred Armisten

andy samberg parks and rec

The best of the best when it came to guest stars in the show was Fred Armisen's Chavez adoring Venezuelan delegate, Raul.

He came in and the rest of the Parks & Rec team expected the Venezuelan delegates to be impoverished and wondrous at all of the things they have in America.

Though they must have forgotten about how dictatorships work, since Raul was high up in the Chavez government, he had always had the very best treatment and hospitality. Meaning that when he turned up, he constantly made rude comments on how awful everything was in Pawnee.

Subsequently, Leslie was enraged and ended up falling out with the delegation. The attempt at reconciliation and the huge donation to Leslie's park project by the Venezuelan's was seemingly nice until it was revealed that it was a part of their plan to humiliate America.

What made it all funnier is how he treated Tom Haverford, making him seem like a lowly busboy, which was offensive to Tom until he realised what kind of tips he was getting from Raul and his team.

The way in which Armisen dominates every scene he is in and plays the part of a dictator loving stooge is Parks & Rec at its best.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.