10 Best Performances In Better Call Saul

7. Patrick Fabian - Howard Hamlin

Better Call Saul Kim

One of Better Call Saul's newcomers, Patrick Fabian has a very tough job when it comes to playing pompous but brilliant lawyer Howard Hamlin, a seemingly perfect man with plenty of demons in the closest.

The main trait of Howard is how clean and respectable he is, and Fabian works wonders to capture the picturesque vibe he's aiming for. Unwilling to break away from his image, Howard is a tough one to read, and often comes across as yet another opportunistic villain in Jimmy McGill's story.

But as the series wore on, Howard's mask began to slip, and Fabian was forced to break away from the lawyer's careful image, playing him as a genuinely good man beaten down by forces seemingly bigger than himself.

Fabian's work in the role is amusing in its stiffness, tragic in its downfall, and subtle in its hidden insecurities. He never got much appreciation -- much like Howard himself -- but boy did he deserve it, especially in his haunting final moments.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.