10 Best Person Of Interest Episodes
3. Deus Ex Machina
"The question is, what, my dear Samaritan, are your commands for us?". The conclusion of the gripping Season Three finale represented a game-changing defeat for the Machine and her allies, as Samaritan went online across the USA, and a devoted Greer granted it the freedom to reshape the world as it pleased. With the library compromised and Samaritan’s virtually omnipresent eye open, the team were forced to assume new identities in order to survive. Nothing would ever be the same again.
The preceding scenes were of a similar level of excellence, humanising and bringing greater depth to previously unsympathetic characters. Control’s devotion to her country was proven through her unforgettable, defiant monologue in Vigilance’s kangaroo court, and her decision to protect Finch’s identity from Collier. Hersh also demonstrated true heroism as he valiantly attempted to defuse Decima’s bomb, fighting to the last in spite of dreadful injuries. In addition, the episode built on the flashbacks in A House Divided, transforming Collier into a truly tragic figure with the shocking revelation that Vigilance had merely been a puppet of Decima, and that Collier had been deceived into bringing about the very nightmare he had fought so hard to prevent.
Deus Ex Machina also proved to be a great showcase for the core cast, complete with one of Finch's finest moments, as he bravely confessed his responsibility for creating the Machine to save Control, and defended his actions in a superbly written and delivered testimony.