10 Best Pike Moments In Star Trek Discovery
We're travelling with him to Strange New Worlds, but what are the moments that made us fall in love?

Anson Mount joined the Star Trek family in the first episode of Discovery's second season, bringing with him a sense of positivity and optimism that had been lacking from the first season somewhat. In his first episode, he was able to secure his place as the Captain that the show badly needed.
With the greatest of respect to Jason Issacs, who is a terrific actor, Gabriel Lorca had never been put in a position for fans to rally behind - coming with the evil territory and all!
From that heart lifting moment when the Enterprise soars into view in the closing moments of Will You Take My Hand?, fans knew that with that ship and that name comes a legacy of exploration and hope.
Both Jeffrey Hunter, who originated the role, and Bruce Greenwood, who took over in the J.J. Abrams films, have given Pike a presence in the Star Trek universe, yet it is Mount who has defined who Christopher Pike is. As the announcement of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is still ringing in our ears, a palpable sense of excitement is rippling through the fandom, as fans are eager to see what is next for this Captain of the Enterprise.
With less than twenty appearances to his name (including Short Treks, yet still more than both other actors), there is a lot of room to expand this character. With that in mind, we take a look back at the moments that have already defined this incarnation
10. Introducing Captain Pike

From the moment the Enterprise zoomed into view in the closing moments of season one of Discovery, there were two questions on everyone's minds: would we see Spock and would we see Pike? The announcement of Anson Mount's casting as Pike confirmed the latter and expectations started to rise.
After the issues with Lorca from season one, Discovery needed a captain who would better fit the mould set by Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway and Archer. What an absolute delight it was then when Pike beamed aboard Discovery and endeared himself to both the crew and the audience within minutes.
From his introduction to Saru, where he takes command with both confidence but respectful deference, to his short conversation with Burnham acknowledging their shared relationship with Spock, he has a cool and calm air that started to set fears at ease. There is a very on the nose joke uttered as well - 'Sometimes it's wise to keep our expectations low commander. That way, we're never disappointed'
His entry onto the bridge begins with a bit of joking with Ensign Tilly. He then takes the time to go through his record with the bridge crew, opening himself to them while also bearing in mind the trauma that they have been through. All of this occurs with a beautiful backdrop of the redesigned Enterprise. Pike has arrived.