10 Best Reoccurring Jokes In Avatar The Last Airbender

4. The Spirit World's Facilities

Avatar Gang Hug
Nickelodeon Animation Studio

A simple joke here, but it goes to show the attention to detail that the writers have. During our first visit to the spirit world, Sokka gets stolen by Hei Bai also known as the black and white spirit. It's an excellent episode for understanding a little more about the spirit world, and possibly what the spirit world is lacking.

Upon returning to their realm, the priority for Sokka is to get to a bathroom. It's a standard Sokka moment, but comes full circle later in season three.

While watching Aang on a spirit world journey of his own, the team remark that he looks to be using a bathroom and Katara asks "Do they have bathrooms in the spirit world?" Sokka instantly responds with "As a matter of fact, they do not".

It's a great pay off to a joke that we didn't even realise would return, as the attention to detail the writers have is what helps to make the show feel connected and thought out. Even something so subtle as this shows that the creators of the series pay attention to little things so they can return later.


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