10 Best Rick And Morty Characters Who Only Appeared Once

6. Dr Xenon Bloom

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Rick & Morty's answer to Jurassic Park features the inside of a vagrant and a ride called Pirates of the Pancreas. Whilst it all sounds mad, it is the creation of Rick and a creature called Dr Xenon Bloom.

Together they have built an amusement park inside a vagabond called Ruben and are developing the rides and such before it all goes shockingly wrong. As Morty heads inside to see what's going on he connects with Dr Bloom, Poncho, Roger and Annie to find that the park has malfunctioned and all is going to hell. Then it is a race to get out of Ruben before they are all killed by various bits of bacteria and viruses.

Members are killed along the way and Xenon Bloom uncovers a conspiracy that Poncho has been hiding, much like Dennis Nedry in the film Jurassic Park, Poncho has been trying to sneak out with specimens that he can sell.

Unlike the original film's John Hammond, Xenon Bloom is forced to stay behind whilst Morty and Annie get away. At the last second Bloom discovers that there is a way to escape with the other two but he is eaten before he can get on the train.

The parody of Richard Attenborough's original character in Jurassic Park is brilliant with John Oliver providing the voice of Dr Xenon Bloom.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.