10 Best Rick And Morty Episodes
3. The Vat of Acid Episode

Showing that the series has not lost any of its smarts or mean spirit this episode takes us on a journey of pain and horror, yet also comedy gold.
What makes the Vat of Acid episode so fantastic is how it evolves throughout its short runtime and genuinely manages to subvert expectation throughout. The episode starts simply with a meeting gone wrong, and a plan established by Rick that whilst very interesting brings out way too many unnecessary complications.
After ridiculing Rick for this, Morty dares him to create a real-life pause button, and Rick reluctantly obliges to prove that he can. Through seeing Morty's interactions with the pause button, many expectations are subverted.
Firstly we see Morty challenging his typical characteristics because he feels there are no consequences. Secondly, the heartbreak when he goes through life, struggles and love without the pause button only to be thwarted by Jerry accidentally touching it is easily the best sequence in the season. Finally discovering that all along Rick had planned it so that everything Morty did was real and thus all his actions did have consequences was a fantastic reveal.
The reveal is solidified when Rick reveals his plan to fix Morty's concerns, being that he must jump again into a fake vat of acid, proving all along that the idea was good.
Many fans regard this as the best episode in season four, and it's easily one of the best in the show, for its twists and hilarious moments.