10 Best Rick And Morty Parody Episodes

1. Star Mort: Rickturn Of The Jerri

Rick And Morty Jurassic Park
Adult Swim

We finally got to see whether Rick had cloned Beth from the ambiguous season three ending, and the answer was unsurprisingly, "yes". So, whilst Beth went out and became a renegade saviour of the universe, the other Beth stayed at home with her family.

When Space Beth returns to Earth after discovering what she thinks is a bomb in her neck, it causes Tammy, of the Federation of Planets, to kidnap normal Beth, meaning the assembled family must go aboard the Federation ship and save her.

Of course, this being a Star Wars parody, there is also a giant laser pointed at Earth.

The whole family come together to fight against the evil Federation and bring Beth back home safely. What is more, after years of being worse than pathetic, Jerry finally finds himself as the hero of the episode.

Rick has an epic fight with his old friend Bird-Person, now reprogrammed as Phoenix-Person, and almost dies during the battle, only for his two daughters to save him at the last moment.

What makes this so well thought out is that it brings back so many characters that had been long absent, as well as continuing Rick's fall from grace as a father and a friend. For all the fans of the show that had been waiting for the first full-blown sci-fi episode since season three's opener, this was it, and it didn't disappoint.

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Rick and Morty
Adult Swim

1. During Early Stages Of Development, Which Actor Was Linked To Voice Jerry?


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.