10 Best Sarah Paulson TV Shows

4. Mrs America

Sarah Paulson American Horror Story2
FX On Hulu

The most recent appearance by Paulson in a show comes from earlier this year in historical drama series Mrs America, a true story highlighting the struggles of activist anti-feminist women against the Equal Right Amendment movement in the 1970's era.

Along with the actress herself, the cast includes some A list names including Cate Blanchett as protagonist Phyllis Schlafly, Elizabeth Banks and Rose Byrne, all casting their own take on the important issues raised in the era of women's struggles for a better life.

Paulson's character Alice Mucray was a fictionalised role for the show itself, aimed to show the women in Pyllis' circle and of the time period. She offers to highlight to audiences those who struggled to fight for their rights in the Second Wave feminism movement with Phyllis, as Mucray is a wife, mother and Catholic in the show.

Significant and powerful themes surround Alice to ground the story further in to the true life, whilst the women fought for what they thought was right and threatened by their insignificance as a home role.

Each character, especially Paulson's own, offer a looking glass in to what went on and the mindset and worry the house women had to go for or against the movement itself.


New Writer! Comic book movie lover, 80's films and 'nerdy' TV shows