10 Best Sarah Paulson TV Shows

3. American Horror Story: Roanoke

Sarah Paulson American Horror Story2

As the seasons of American Horror Story continued, audiences craved for new styles and narratives for Ryan Murphy to get behind and create, testing conventions untypical of his long running show to get more viewers. The sixth season was titled Roanoke, a complete new take on the linear narrative everyone had come to know and love.

In this season, the show took on a mocumentary style ghost experience titled 'My Roanoke Nightmare', looking at one couples experience in a haunted house location filled with ghosts and paranormal goings on over the many years.

Paulson portrayed the wife Shelby Miller in a reconstruction of the events in parts of the docu-style. Her real actor persona is Audrey Tindall, an English actress sent to show her take on the couple's tales. Later in the series, actors and experiencers alike join together in a lock down within the house to finally find out if any of the events truly happened, to some dark consequences.

It's a season quite hard to get your head around, receiving mixed reviews for it's stylistic approach to a story. With Paulson playing two personas, it is comedic to later in the series see her switch to Audrey after seeing her overreact as Shelby earlier in the recreations.


New Writer! Comic book movie lover, 80's films and 'nerdy' TV shows