10 Best Sci-Fi TV Shows You Can Watch Online For FREE

8. The Invisible Man

The Prisoner
Sci-Fi Channel

While not the first reboot in this long-running franchise, the short-lived comedy-drama 2000 series of The Invisible Man was better received than some of its predecessors, which focused on secret agents who were invisible.

The show, which ran for two seasons, featured Darien Fawkes, a thief facing life imprisonment who was recruited by a spy organization and given the power of invisibility, through implantation of a special "Quicksilver gland" in his head. However, the substance releases a neurotoxin which causes intense pain along with psychosis and antisocial behaviour.

Despite having some lighter elements, the show added more complex themes than what had come before, with a great deal of focus on freedom of choice, determinism, and state bureaucracy. It's a shame the series was cancelled due to mainly cost issues and internal conflicts - the show has developed a cult following today and a lot of themes remain relevant to modern society.


Jamie is a freelance broadcast journalist and writer, with a particular obsession for sci-fi, theatre and politics. In his spare time he enjoys amateur dramatics and making homemade curries.