10 Best Spaceships In The Doctor Who Universe
The Sontaran flagship makes the Death Star look like a water pistol...

While the TARDIS is probably the most iconic thing across the entire show, Doctor Who isn't really known for its spaceships. This is understandable, considering that most stories take place on planet Earth, and even the ones that do take place on alien worlds usually end up looking like ordinary Earth quarries!
Despite this though - and putting aside those ships that just look and act like bog standard, disc-shaped UFOs, of which there are many - the show has introduced an impressively diverse array of spacecraft over the many years it's been on the air, from pure weapons of mass destruction, to vessels with some truly unique form factors, functions, and behind-the-scenes inspirations.
So, factoring in their visuals and designs (in other words, how cool they look), their abilities and weapons, and how they were used within their respective episodes, what are the most memorable spaceships in Doctor Who canon? Let's find out!
Side note: the TARDIS is disqualified from this list, because it would obviously take the number one slot if we did include it. Let's keep things more interesting, shall we?
10. The Webstar

Easily one of the most unique spacecraft designs in the history of the show, the Webstar is the primary ship of the Racnoss, those devious spider-like aliens who debuted in 2006's The Runaway Bride.
The Webstar model we see in that episode actually belongs to the Empress Of The Racnoss - so it's little surprise that this thing is insanely powerful.
Towering over the Earth and made of a durable, web-like substance, the ship possesses transport technology, capable of beaming the Empress from point A to point B in a matter of seconds - perfect for a surprise spider attack! It can also fire devastating bolts of energy from its pointy ends, as seen in a sequence towards the end of the episode, where the ship begins to annihilate the streets of London.
For lack of a better term, the Webstar is a beast. The only reason it gets blown up by the military is because the Empress has used up all her Huon energy, and given the proper defences, this is a ship that could take down entire cities all by itself.