10 Best Star Trek: Voyager Episodes

1. Scorpion

Voyager Janeway Tuvok

Scorpion was the two-part story that changed the game for Star Trek: Voyager. Bridging the show's third and fourth seasons, it served to introduce the Borg properly in the series, while also debuting Seven of Nine.

The reveal of Species 8472 is terrifying. The tripedal creatures were malevolent and incredibly powerful, becoming an even greater threat than the Collective. Janeway's attempts to strike a bargain with the Federation's greatest enemy ruffled all the right feathers. Chakotay's speech, comparing the nature of the Borg to that of a scorpion is particularly stirring and completely apt.

Behind the scenes, the script has Harry Kim was laid out by an attack. Garrett Wang and Jennefer Lien both faced the chop as neither character was popular with producers. Space and budget were required for Jeri Ryan's arrival. However, during the season break, Wang was voted one of the most beautiful people in Hollywood. While this was great news for him, it meant curtains for Lien.

Kim recovers, Lien evolves and the beginning of the show's fourth and arguably greatest season was off to a running start.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick