10 Best Star Trek: Voyager Episodes

2. Year Of Hell

Voyager Janeway Tuvok
CBS Media Ventures

This two-part story showed just how much punishment that Voyager could take. Through a chance encounter with a small Krenim vessel that poses no threat, the situation changes rapidly once the far more powerful Krenim Temporal Weapon changes history. From that moment on, the crew is pushed to their absolute limits.

The episode displayed what Voyager could have been. Lost in the far reaches of space, decades from the closest starbase. Kate Mulgrew is the stand out star of the episode, resolutely holding the line against the Krenim and seemingly keeping Voyager flying by sheer willpower. She is never more determined in the show's seven-season run to keep her crew alive. True to form, she happily rams the vessel into the Krenim's weapon to undo the damage they've caused, sacrificing herself in the hope of bringing everyone back home again.

While reset buttons can go either way in terms of strengthening a story, it absolutely works in this case. Although the events are erased from history, the story remains one of Voyager's most enduring. Year of Hell is unmissable television.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick