10 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episodes

2. The Lawless (Season 5, Episode 16)

Star Wars Clone Wars Vader Anakin Mortis

Between the top three spots, it's really a game of inches. The Lawless comes near the end of the fifth season, and sees Mandalore overrun by Maul, Opress and their followers, whilst former leader Duchess Satine calls Obi-Wan Kenobi for help.

Obi-Wan's relationship with the Duchess is put on full display this episode, as Maul uses her as bait to lure Obi-Wan to him. Maul is still intent on killing the Jedi, but seems to find more enjoyment in killing his former flame right before his eyes than attempting to defeat him in a duel.

This is all amazing enough, with stunning voice work and exhilarating chase sequences, but the episode reaches its zenith when it suddenly involves Palpatine.

Sensing that Maul and Opress are growing worryingly strong, and may soon be powerful enough to defeat him, the Sith Lord travels to Mandalore to confront them, leading to one of the show's greatest duels. Palpatine is on top form, duel-wielding his lightsabers and tossing the brothers about like they're nothing.

Killing Opress, he commences to torture Maul as he begs for mercy.

The whole episode is an emotional rollercoaster, harsh, violent and shocking, and about as perfect as the show has ever been.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.