10 Best TV Show Cold Opens Ever

5. Breaking Bad - Say My Name

Brooklyn Nine Nine I want It that way

Breaking Bad was no stranger to iconic cold opens. Picking one above the rest is like being a kid at a candy store. Plenty deserve singling out, such as the song in Negro y Azul, and the pilot. But, none did it better than the Heisenberg defining moment that would live in infamy, Say My Name.

With the loss of Gus Fring, Walter, Jesse, and Mike are on the prow for new business partners, leading them to a discussion with a Phoenix-based rival named Declan.

After Declan begins to question him, Walter orders him to "Say my name". At first, Declan claims he doesn't know it, but eventually, it becomes clear who he's dealing with. After being asked a second time, he responds, "Heisenberg", and is greeted with, "You're goddamn right".

It's hard to understate the iconic status of this scene, as it stands alongside others such as the pizza on the roof and "I am the one who knocks". The segment was so popular that it even inspired the episode title to be rewritten, initially being Everyone Wins, but switching it up to Say My Name.

Even those who have never watched the show or know the character can still view this clip and fall for the badass power on display from the iconic Walter White.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!