10 Best TV Shows Of 2017 (So Far)


GLOW Netflix Alison Brie

A fictional series based on the real life ladies wrestling promotion from the 1980s, it's quite surprising that GLOW works at all. Somehow, though, Netflix and the show's creators have turned what could've been something totally ridiculous into a ridiculously entertaining TV show.

The series doesn't skimp on the in-ring action, which would've been quite easy to do. It's clearly aware of wrestling history and the need to deliver matches that, while not exactly setting the world alight, feel right for the level the ladies are at and aren't just coming off as a complete parody. And by the end of the series, some of the actual wrestling is genuinely exciting to watch.

But it's with its tone and characters that the series truly shines, in particular the three leads: Ruth (Alison Brie), Sam (Marc Maron), and Debbie (Betty Gilpin). All are funny, flawed individuals who you can root for and dislike at equal turns.

The show clearly borrows a lot of Orange is the New Black (it has a lot of the same behind-the-scenes staff), but packages it up in a more overt 30-minute comedy. It means you still get some great drama, but also a lot of laughs, and a rare Netflix series that doesn't feel bloated. In an off-year for OITNB, the best action is found in leotards, not Litchfield.

Best Episode: Live Studio Audience


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.