10 Best Vikings Deaths

3. Queen Lagertha

Ragnar Lothbrok Death Vikings

From fierce shieldmaiden to Jarl, to Queen, Lagertha worked hard to become one of Kattegat's greatest rulers.

Unlike her love rival, Aslaug, Lagertha was always rearing for a fight, often traveling with Ragnar and accompanying him on many of his epic raids.

After leaving Ragnar, she soon made a name for herself after marrying another Jarl. Not one to be tied down however, Lagertha killed a number of her lovers until she met a Christian warrior, Heahmund. The two shared a loving relationship for a while until Heahmund was killed fighting against King Harald.

Alone once more, Lagertha was lost and grief-stricken, even going a little mad at one point. She eventually came to her senses and decided to settle down on some farmland. The Gods had other plans for her, it seemed, as raiders attacked her farm and caused her to once more pick up a sword and shield.

Despite successfully defending her new home, one of her grandchildren was killed in the fighting. Wounded, Lagertha attempted to return to Kattegat but was stabbed to death by a crazed Hvitserk, one of Aslaug's sons.

In the end, Lagertha accepted her fate and welcomed her journey to Valhalla to be reunited with Ragnar once more.

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