10 Best Villains In The Breaking Bad Universe

8. Chuck McGill

Hector Salamanca

Chuck McGill is a different kind of villain. He's not a loose cannon like Tuco, and he's not a cool, meticulous criminal mastermind like Gus. Hell, you could even argue that he's not that bad of a person, seeing as he justifies his "villainy" by saying that he's trying to preserve the integrity of the justice system.

Look, we get it: we've all got that relative who we wouldn't trust with a toilet bowl scrubber, much less a law degree. We're not saying that he's wrong in his intentions. He knows the type of man Jimmy is, and he knows that Jimmy's conman inclinations aren't conducive to a life as a lawyer.

However, undercutting your brother at every turn, simply out of some sense of high-and-mighty self-righteousness? Trying to destroy his future because you don't trust that he'll handle everything with the moral probity of Jesus Christ himself? That's detestable.

One could even make the case that Chuck's constant sabotaging of Jimmy just further alienated the younger McGill, pushing him further and further away from his brother's idealistic expectations of him.

What's more, he hypocritically assails Jimmy for "stabbing [him] in the back," when he had been doing the same to Jimmy for years.

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.