10 Best Villains In The Breaking Bad Universe

7. The Cousins

Hector Salamanca

If Breaking Bad had Terminators, it would've been these guys.

From the moment they stepped -- or, rather, crawled -- onscreen, Leonel and Marco Salamanca struck fear into our hearts. In contrast to Tuco, Lalo, and Hector, these Salamanca boys didn't seem all that interested in the business side of things. Instead, they appear to have had one singular role in the cartel: hitmen, and by God, were they good at it. Appearing to worship Santa Muerte, the personification of death, as they made offerings to a shrine before embarking on their assassination missions.

Seemingly more machine than man, they moved in almost perfect unison. They spoke few words. These men were like ghosts, moving through the world without a sound. The only time noise erupted around them was when they were doing away with some poor, unfortunate soul.

They aren't especially deep, compelling villains, but they posed a physical threat to the denizens of ABQ like few others could even dream of. They were fear and death personified. With their sharkskin suits, silver axe, and skull-tipped boots, these twin brothers never failed to leave a trail of blood behind them whenever they came through town.

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.