10 Best Villains In The Breaking Bad Universe

6. Hector Salamanca

Hector Salamanca

Hector is among the most meme-able characters in the Breaking Bad universe, for one reason and one reason alone: the bell. Who doesn't love the bell? He's iconic for that very reason, but that's almost doing a disservice to his character.

Even in his current state, unable to stand or speak, his nephews respect him like he's still the one barking out orders. He may have lost some of his bite with his paralysis, but he's lost absolutely none of his influence.

In Better Call Saul, we see more of the man before his crippling stroke. On the surface, he's a kindly old ice-cream shop owner. Underneath, though, he's a take-no-prisoners shot-caller. He threatens to have Mike's family killed. He has Nacho brutalize Krazy-8 for coming up short. He doesn't care who he hurts, as long as he stays on top.

Beneath all this cruelty and remorselessness, though, is insecurity. Hector is a man with a powerful yet feeble ego. Whenever Gus receives praise over him, he can barely conceal the anger on his face. All he seems to want is to be respected, and anyone who threatens his standing in the cartel becomes a target to be wiped out.

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.