10 Best Villains In The Breaking Bad Universe

5. Jack Welker

Hector Salamanca

Who doesn't hate Jack? The man is a sentient mound of refuse wrapped in used, swastika-covered toilet paper, and he is a great villain because of it. The Micah Bell of Breaking Bad.

He had his people execute Andrea just to deter Jesse from trying to escape, before promising to kill Brock -- a CHILD -- should he try to make another break for it.

Oh, did we mention that he enslaved Jesse? Because he enslaved Jesse.

Also, how can we forgive him for what he did to Hank?

Sure, Walter and Gus also had no qualms about letting innocents get caught in the crossfire, but the thing that sets Jack apart is his absolute trashiness. He's got no class, no swagger, and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Seriously, name one likable thing about the man other than his pool table. He's a racist coward hiding behind a gang and a gun. For a man that thinks of himself as some sort of vicious warrior, he tried to bargain for his life at the end, something Hank -- an infinitely stronger, braver man -- refused to do.

If he DID have any redeeming qualities, they're outweighed by the fact that he's, you know, a Nazi.

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.