10 Better Call Saul Moments That Broke TV

8. Mike And Tuco Showdown

Better Call Saul
Better Call Saul

This scene wasn't as crucial to developing the characters as the others, but it sure was memorable! The showdown between the unstoppable force and an immovable object!

In "Gloves Off", Mike teams up with Nacho to bring down Tuco after Nacho becomes increasingly worried about his boss's addiction to drugs. Mike devises a plan to call the cops and then provoke Tuco, so that when they arrive, they have plenty of reasons to arrest him (and oh boy, did Tuco deliver). The scene is great as it once again exemplifies everything we love about these two characters. Mike is cunning and dedicated to his job, being fine with getting absolutely trashed by a raging psychopath, while Tuco is just as ruthless and gleefully violent as ever!

The final shot of the police arriving seconds before Mike gets knocked unconscious is truly intense, as you secretly know that if they took any longer, Mike's face would be nothing but a mushy red puddle. Plus, we get to see Mike's point of view as Tuco delivers the knockout punch. His maniacal laughter moments before Mike's blackout could send shivers down anyone's spine.


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