10 Better Call Saul Moments That Broke TV

2. Gus Vs. The Salamancas

Better Call Saul

There were plenty of intense and memorable scenes where Gus went toe to toe with the different members of the Salamanca family. His final showdown with Lalo was shocking and action-packed, although it was his feud with Hector in Better Call Saul that truly defied the viewers' expectations.

After seeing the flashback of Hector nonchalantly putting a bullet in Gus Fring's partner's head, no one would think that Gus would be the first one to come to Hector's aid during a stroke, yet that is exactly what happens.

In the episode "Lantern", Gus and Hector meet together to discuss the future of the drug trade across the border. By the orders of Don Eladio, Gus is to take over the northern part of the territory, and this sets Hector off on a rage-induced tantrum, which in turn sends him into cardiac arrest. Everybody at the meeting watches in horror as the old man drops to the ground, convulsing and shaking. Except for Gus...

Gus immediately gets on his knees to save Hector and even orders one of Hector's henchmen to call an ambulance. But does he do it out of the kindness of his heart? No, of course not. He resuscitates the man, but only because he wants him to witness the death of his family, once Gus's plan of revenge finally succeeds.

If that's not the most revenge-dedicated man on television, Gus has to take the cake as the most sadistic rescuer ever.


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