10 Big Finish Doctor Who Moments We Wish We Saw On-Screen

8. Classic Doctors Unite

Doctor Who Light At The End 0
Big Finish

In adventures such as 'The Light at the End' and 'The Legacy of Time', all the classic Doctors got together, something we never saw on screen. The ‘Classic’ era of the show runs from 1963 to 1996, covering Doctors 1 to 8. However, of course Paul McGann’s TV Movie is a one off, and by this time, William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee have all passed away; therefore, a multi-Doctor episode would have been very difficult. To add to this, by the time of the new series, specifically the fiftieth anniversary, most of the surviving actors are too old to convincingly pull off the part, on screen anyway.

So that is where the magic of audio comes in. Every actor playing their incarnation at Big Finish, still sounds just like they did at the time, as well as other wonderful actors who play their hand at bringing lost incarnations back to life, such as David Bradley, Frazer Hines and Tim Treloar, playing Doctors 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

SPOILERS AHEAD – The finale of Big Finish’s twentieth anniversary celebration ‘The Legacy of Time’ sees the combination of Doctors 3 to 8, as well as cameos from the First, Second and Tenth Doctor, come together to fly the first ever TARDIS in order to protect the Web of Time. These magical final ten minutes has some absolutely marvellous exchanges between the different incarnations. There is something truly special in Doctors uniting and sparking lines off each other. To see all these Doctor’s, unite on a magnificent TARDIS set, has the potential to be breath taking.

Another example of Doctors uniting is in the fiftieth anniversary special ‘The Light at the End’, which sees a similar scene to what happens in ‘The Day of the Doctor’, where all the classic Doctors unite to time ram the Master’s TARDIS using their own.

To give these two scenes life on screens, with the TARDIS sets, actors in the role and visual effects could turn out to be something truly special and cinematic.

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