10 Big Questions Raised By Agents Of SHIELD Season 2 Trailer

8. How Will Coulson Rebuild SHIELD?

We see Agent - sorry, now it's Director - Coulson in a variety of locations and various states of consternation in the trailer, suggesting that he's still in the middle of processing what happened to SHIELD and what the best way to move forward is. Nick Fury gave Phil Coulson a huge burden of responsibility when he made him Director of SHIELD at the end of last season, and Coulson's not a man to take burdens lightly. From the looks of things, he's at least got a few friends to help him out, including Agent Billy Koenig, the twin brother of the recently-deceased Eric Koenig and hander-out of lanyards. Koenig likely knows a lot about SHIELD's secret bases and operating procedures and will be instrumental in giving Coulson the lay of the (extremely well-hidden) land. It also seems from the casting that the Director will be reaching out to other SHIELD agents for their assistance, including Lucy Lawless' Isabel Hartley and Adrianne Palicki's Barbara Morse, better known to comic fans as Mockingbird, so at least he's got some more firepower to help the team in the fight to restore order and bring down Hydra for good.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.