10 Big Questions Raised By Agents Of SHIELD Season 2 Trailer

6. Is Hydra Still The Team's Biggest Threat?

Hydra's plans to 'eliminate' the world's threats and get the Deathlok program up and running were foiled by the collective effort of Marvel's heroes, but that certainly doesn't mean that they were completely destroyed or even significantly reduced as a threat. Just as the destruction of either Death Star didn't mean that the Empire was just going to surrender to the Rebellion, so too will SHIELD have to claw its way to victory, every battle being the difference between life and death for the now fledgling organisation. But Hydra aren't the only thing Coulson and co. will have to contend with. New threats are always emerging, and it doesn't seem likely that the Absorbing Man has a world-domination agenda up his sleeve, so it looks like SHIELD are going to have to juggle bringing down their enemies with defending the world from the usual threats they're used to. Except this time with less backup.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.