10 Big Questions Raised By Agents Of SHIELD Season 2 Trailer

5. Where Is SHIELD Based Now?

Whereas the team had a whole jet plane to themselves and a slew of secret SHIELD bases at which they could rest and recuperate in the first season, now the organisation has been reduced to tatters Coulson seems to be working at more of a ground level than he's used to. We've seen - presumably - the secret base run by Agent Koenig that we last glimpsed in the first season finale, which is probably where the team will start out in the second season. But Coulson is also seen staring out of the window of an old-looking office building, which could become SHIELD's slightly more permanent base of operations as we all know that Director Coulson likes to stay close to the action rather than hide in some remote base. Of course, there's every chance that they'll have to move on every couple of episodes because each hideout gets blown up by some Hydra nutbag, just to keep them (and us) on their feet.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.