10 Big Questions Raised By Agents Of SHIELD Season 2 Trailer

3. Will Coulson Distance Himself From The Team?

In almost every shot he's in, Clark Gregg is separated from his team, on his own, brooding (not unlike the hero of another Whedon-created show, Angel). He's not present in most of the action scenes, most notably the shot of May, Skye and Triplett running towards the camera. Has Coulson created a separation between himself and those under his command like Nick Fury before him? It seems probable, considering all the tough calls he's going to have to make. Coulson became very attached to certain members of his team in the first season, most notably Skye, and if she's doing important field work then he can't compromise their operations or his wider schemes by having a stronger emotional connection with her than he absolutely needs to, so we think he'll be keeping everyone at arm's length - well, about as much as he can, at least.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.