10 Biggest Behind The Scenes Star Trek Mistakes That Ever Happened

1. New Ideas? Yes Please! Those Are Klingons? I Think You Boys Have Had Enough...

Tom Paris Death Star Trek Voyager

The first season of Star Trek Discovery was a mixed affair, beset with production issues behind the scenes that caused delays, issues with shooting, issues with scripting and constant personnel changes. Couple this with the initially bizarre decision to introduce 'Spock's half-sister' in a move clearly designed to grab ratings, and the new show was in trouble.

Then, a production image seeming to stem from Hades itself seeped onto the internet. Demon-like creatures were sat around a lunch table, taking a break from filming. They looked fierce and terrifying. And then, the dreadful rumour got out there...these were not new inventions for the series but that these were...the Klingons.

The Klingons have evolved over the years and so a change of image wasn't the worst decision that the producers made. Rather, it was the fact they decided to jack every Klingon up on steroids, protein and Plasticine, before settling on a race that were nothing like the honourable warriors already well-established in the franchise.

The show's second season worked to redeem their image somewhat but it is clear that the decision to redesign them so drastically came from a board meeting where not enough people had the power to say no.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick