10 Biggest Behind The Scenes Star Trek Mistakes That Ever Happened

2. Almost Every Decision That Was Made About T'Pol's Character In The First Season Of Enterprise

Tom Paris Death Star Trek Voyager

When it came to developing the next incarnation of the franchise, the producers wanted to do something that would bring the gap between First Contact and the Original Series. Enterprise was conceived to begin exploring strange new worlds, and seek out new life - some of which we might have already seen.

T'Pol was created to be the Spock to Archer's Kirk, though from the very beginning it was clear that, behind the scenes, the writers didn't really know what they wanted her to be.

At best, she was a body with a brain, by which we mean that for almost every intellectual point they wrote to come out of T'Pol's mouth, Jolene Blalock was written into another decontamination scene. Then there were the plot threads that were dropped and simply forgotten. Vulcans don't eat food with their hands - and then she eats popcorn with Trip. She has an incurable illness, which is later brushed over.

The producers wanted another hit character like Seven of Nine, but they spent more time trying to put her in situations where she was shown off for her figure rather than her skills, a disservice to both Blalock and the character of T'Pol herself.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick