10 Biggest Doctor Who Leaks Ever

8. The Witchfinders Leaks Early

Doctor Who The Name of the Doctor Clara Eleventh Doctor

One of the highlights of Jodie Whittaker's era is The Witchfinders by Joy Wilkinson. It's a classic Doctor Who historical that is one of the few stories to touch on the fact that the Doctor is now a woman. Oh, and it was also released early.

Due to an error in updating Doctor Who Series 11 on Amazon Prime, users could watch The Witchfinders a few days early, but there was a price to pay. That price being that the week's actual episode - Kerblam! - wasn't available to watch. However, the subtitles still existed and ran alongside The Witchfinders when users selected close captioning, leading to a confusing situation for all concerned.

The error was swiftly rectified after fans bragged about watching The Witchfinders three days early on Twitter. The BBC quickly removed the episode and launched an investigation, which presumably led to a poor staff member receiving a slapped wrist.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.