10 Biggest Events In Doctor Who That You Never Got To See
Just because you hear it don't assume you've seen it!

For years, the Last Great Time War was the great unseen series of events in Doctor Who's history. The terror that the Doctor experienced was dropped in dribs and drabs from 2005 until 2013, before finally appearing on-screen during The Day of the Doctor. Yet this War was so big that there were plenty of examples still to be seen by an audience.
Doctor Who has a history of talking about events, even if they aren't shown. From the early days of monochrome to recent years, the wealth of imagination has occasionally bounded way beyond the capabilities of television budgets, though Big Finish has thankfully helped in that respect as well. In the 2010s, advancements in animation allowed for extension and completion of earlier, unfinished works as well.
Almost every Doctor has had their big exits depicted in some way or another, even if these were shown out of order. The Sixth, Eighth and Ninth Doctors all had their regenerations shown or portrayed after their successors had taken over the role, though there is one very notable exception on the list.
10. Davros And The Nightmare Child

Davros is the mad scientist from Skaro who created the Daleks during the Kaled-Thal war. An explosion in his lab resulted in devastating injuries that should have killed him, save for the chariot he rode in keeping him moving. He has a power to continue returning from either death or near-death experiences, as his encounter with the Nightmare Child will attest.
In the early days of the Time War, Davros encountered the Nightmare Child at the Gates of Elysium. This monster was the creation of the Dalek Emperor so, in a twisted way, it was the grandchild of Davros himself. While this has not yet been depicted on-screen, most likely due to the immense budget this would require, the Child was said to have jaws big enough to swallow Davros's ship whole.
So much of the Time War has occurred off-screen, for several reasons. Budget aside, there is simply so much to depict, from the Dalek's constant attacks on Gallifrey, to the Doctor contacting his former and future selves, to the destruction of the races who got caught in the middle of the Last Great Time War.