10 Biggest Events In Doctor Who That You Never Got To See

8. The Doctor Leaves Gallifrey

Doctor Who Time War

The opening moments of The Name Of The Doctor depict Clara Oswald falling through what the audience learns to be the Doctor's timeline. One moment shows her coming face to face with the First Doctor, featuring archived, colourised footage of William Hartnell. While this was an absolute treat for fans, it also served as a great tease.

The actual moment of departure from Gallifrey has never been shown on-screen, with countless allusions to this monumental piece of history throughout the show. The Tenth Doctor reflects on it with Captain Jack and Martha, describing how he ran away from the Untempered Schism after seeing it as a child.

The Name of the Doctor suggests that Clara helped give the Doctor a nudge in the direction of his TARDIS, as he very nearly left in an entirely different machine. While there is something to be said for leaving well alone, to see what the Doctor's last day on Gallifrey was like is too tantalising not to translate to screen. Although, for every ending there's a beginning, which leads us directly to our next entry on this list.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick