10 Biggest Friends Urban Legends

7. There's A Lost Episode Where Chandler Dies

Friends Chandler Dies

When any TV show gets sufficiently popular enough, whispers of supposedly "lost" episodes start doing the rounds, and while there were indeed storylines and episodes that were canned before shooting, the Internet ran with the idea of one completed episode which never made it to air.

Word spread years ago that an episode had been shot called "The One Where Chandler Dies," which would theorise what happens after Chandler dies unexpectedly and his friends have to move on without him. Furthermore, a ghost of Chandler would have to watch it all unfold.

In actual fact, The One Where Chandler Dies is a fan-created video that was made by expertly re-editing existing episodes to form a new narrative.

To casual observers it's persuasive enough to be somewhat convincing, especially within the vacuum of social media disinformation and tiny attention spans, even if the trained fan should near-instantly recognise the repurposed footage.

Still, the YouTuber behind the prank, Dogfood, gets an "A" for effort.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.