10 Biggest Idiots In Star Trek

5. Kai Winn (Star Trek Deep Space Nine)

Kai Winn is the Bajoran spiritual leader. Granted, she managed to rise to her position through a series of craft political machinations, but that doesn't say very much for the combined intellectual prowess of the Bajoran clergy. Okay, this is the equivalent of say, the Arch-bishop of Canterbury.

Let's just say that a surgically altered person made to look attractive and under the employ of Satan himself, was directed to entice, seduce and manipulate the spiritual leader of a dominant religion to read forbidden and blasphemous texts for the purposes of indulging in satanic rituals. Do you think the bishop would actually conclude that releasing Satan from his chains in Hell would lead to his people's spiritual salvation? Well, that's what Kai Winn does.

Not only does she allow herself to be seduced and manipulated, but she discovers Gul Dukat's real identity and STILL continues to work with him in releasing the Pah Wraiths from their imprisonment by reading the Book of Kosst Amojan. Maybe this is a storyline flaw, but I find it hard to believe that a religious leader would do something that was so blatantly antithetical to her fundamentalism.

That's like the leader of the Mormon Church saying that Joseph Smith guy made up the whole story of finding those golden plates in the hillside and weighing them for commercial value. Could you imagine how many pioneer chicks that guy could have scored with those things? Kai Winn is an idiot because she deliberately works against her own faith for no apparent reason.

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John Kirk is a Teacher-Librarian and currently a History/English Teacher with the Toronto District School Board. But mostly, John teaches Geek. Comics, Sci-Fi (Notably Star Trek), Fantasy and Role-Playing and table-top games all make up part of John’s repertoire, There is a whole generation of nerds-in-embryo who rely on him to make sense of it all, to teach that with great power comes great responsibility, that the force will be with us always and that a towel IS the most useful thing to have in one’s possession. When John isn’t in the classroom, he can be found in his basement writing comic reviews for www.popmythology.com and features for Roddenberry Entertainment's www.1701news.com.