10 Biggest LGBTQIA+ Moments In Star Trek
4. Casting The First Openly Transgender Actor

Ian Alexander was cast in Star Trek: Discovery's third season as Gray Tal, the Trill lover of Adira. Though it has yet to be stated on-screen, the writers have confirmed that Gray, like Alexander himself, is transgender and that this will be explored in season four.
Alexander is the first openly transgender actor that the franchise has ever cast. Though his appearance in the third season was somewhat stilted, hampered by the fact that he died in his first episode (though this didn't stop him coming back), he is set to appear in the next season, with his character and journey being a focus of at least part of the season's arc.
Star Trek: Discovery has been one of the most forward-thinking entries in the franchise when it comes to LGBTQIA+ representation, with Alexander's role serving as yet another positive step for Star Trek. The Trill have always, in one form or another, been a species that have embraced transgenderism, so it makes natural sense that they would be the first to have a positively portrayed trans character in the show.