10 Biggest LGBTQIA+ Moments In Star Trek

2. Hugh Culber And Paul Stamets

Star Trek Rejoined
CBS Media Ventures

Culber and Stamets are one of the most positive representations of gay characters and relationships in Star Trek. They are a married couple, though the fact that they are men is never addressed as something to be blinked at. Initially, it looked as though Discovery was going to fall into the 'Bury Your Gays' trope that so much of Hollywood has fallen to, as Culber was killed in the first season. However, his return in the second season was handled perfectly.

Wilson Cruz has been one of the best additions to Star Trek in many years, as his portrayal of Culber brings a maturity to the show that has been, at times, uneven. His arc in the second and third seasons has been a joy to behold. Anthony Rapp has also been excellent to follow, as Stamets' journey has also faced many ups, downs, and side to sides.

They are one of the strongest family units in recent Trek history, adopting both Adira and Gray as their children, even if Gray is, for the moment, only in Adira's head. They could very easily take the top spot on any list of LGBTQIA+ representation and moments in Star Trek, if it weren't for another certain couple...

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick