10 Biggest Star Trek Battles We Never Got To See

9. WW3/The Eugenics Wars

Star Trek Battle

Star Trek: First Contact definitively set WW3 in the mid-21st century, with the events of Zefram Cochrane’s warp test taking place ten years after the end of the war in 2063. The Eugenics Wars, in which the tyrant Khan Noonian Singh dominated much of the known world, were stated to have taken place in 1996, making these two conflicts entirely separate.

However, early notes from Gene Roddenberry suggest that the Eugenics Wars were in fact the third world war in his eye, with Khan’s rise and escape marking the beginning and end. However, much like many other elements of The Original Series, Roddenberry played fast and loose in terms of canon. So while they may originally have been the same conflict, they diverged by the time of Encounter at Farpoint.

Q’s court-room was set in the 21st century, during the ‘post-atomic’ horror. Whether all of these conflicts were one and the same, or they were all separate, devastating events in Earth’s history, they have yet to be shown on-screen. One or even all of them would make for a fascinating look at how contemporary humans battled supermen and missiles before they began to reach for the stars.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick