10 Biggest Star Trek Plot Holes

8. I Never Forget A Face

Star Trek Plot Holes

This is one of the more fun plot holes in Star Trek's history. In fact, this was something that several people caught during filming - and didn't flag it, because they were having too much fun!

On Ceti Alpha V, Captain Terrell and Commander Chekov beam down to investigate some anomolous readings during their survey, as part of the Genesis Project. What they discover is the remains of the SS Botany Bay and her crew, led by Khan Noonian Singh. Chekov recognises the name of the ship and Khan himself, for Khan had once attempted to seize control of the USS Enterprise, being marooned on the planet as punishment.

Now, while that is all true, there is a slight issue with this.

Chekov wasn't there.

So, when Khan looks him in the eye and hisses 'I never forget a face', that's interesting - as he hadn't encountered that particular face before!

Allegedly, Walter Koenig knew full-well about this discrepancy while filming and kept his mouth shut, as flagging this with Nicholas Meyer would probably have led to his character being swapped out for one of the others. In keeping quiet, he both gave the audience some great scenes as Chekov, and was complicit in one of the most fun plot holes to date!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick