10 Biggest Unanswered Star Trek Mysteries

9. Wesley And The Traveller

Star Trek Wesley Traveller

Wesley Crusher was the quintessential Starfleet officer-in-the-making, until one episode he wasn't.

Introduced to the show as the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed teenager desperate to follow in the federation footsteps of both his mother and late father, he was given Acting Ensign duties on the Enterprise before departing the show to join Starfleet Academy when he came of age. Things didn't go according to plan though, and disillusioned with life in Starfleet he began to look for a way out.

That opportunity arrived in the form of The Traveller, a mysterious being who was exploring both the time and space of the universe. After taking a liking to young Crusher, he offered to help him explore the universe in ways the Federation could only dream of and they both promptly left the show. However, some nine years later, Wesley was spotted in Star Trek Nemesis at Will Riker and Deanna Troi's wedding in a Starfleet uniform.

What happened in those 9 years? Why did Wesley end his explorations with The Traveller? Why did he rejoin Starfleet? What was it about learning the infinite nature of both inner and outer space that just wasn't quite doing it for him?

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