10 Biggest WTF Moments In Recent Horror TV Shows

4. Lee-Cheong San's Death - All Of Us Are Dead

Slasher TV

Following the stratospheric success of global phenomenon Squid Game, one of the latest excellent offerings to come out of the booming South Korean film industry is Netflix's zombie bonanza All Of Us Are Dead.

The universally lauded horror serial features the tale of a group of high school students, who must fight to survive within their school as a zombie apocalypse breaks out around them. Praise was directed in particular at the action sequences, the first rate performances of the cast and the sheer emotional toil that All of Us are Dead exacts on its viewers.

The show also provided one of the biggest WTF moments in recent horror television history as protagonist Lee-Cheong San seemingly meets a fiery death; he and arch rival Gwi Nam are blasted down an elevator shaft by the shockwave from an explosion, as the military rain down a firestorm of ordinance. Lee-Cheong San was also bitten by Gwi Nam prior to their tumble down the shaft, all but confirming his fate as either a "hambie" (half human and half zombie) or a fully fledged mindless zombie.

The sudden right turn from the series in seemingly writing off a character that they had spent an entire season building up and encouraging emotional investment in, left fans gobsmacked by what they had just seen. It is worth noting, however, that viewers never see the hero's body, and internet rumblings indicate that Lee Cheong-San may indeed return in some capacity when the second season hits screens.

Which will likely be an even bigger WTF moment than his apparent demise. Watch this space.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.