10 Bold TV Predictions For 2016

5. Television Is Going To Utilize Virtual Reality Headsets (And Other Exciting Technology)

360 video appears to be the next huge tech trend, with online video platform YouTube already allowing such videos to be uploaded. If you don't know what 360 video is, it's basically video that's recorded using a device with various camera lenses that encompass a total 360 degree view...up, down, left, right €“ literally everywhere. While viewing a 360 video, viewers can click and drag around to view the surrounding area, or if wearing a VR device like the Oculus Rift, all you have to do is move your head. Now imagine what it might be like if such technology was paired with television. You could look around the cobbled streets of King's Landing in Game Of Thrones while following a specific character, or get a closer look at every nook and cranny of Saul Goodman's grimy criminal office in Better Call Saul. It would be pretty amazing, wouldn't it? Well, it's going to happen. In 2015, The Sleepy Hollow Virtual Reality Experience designed for the Oculus Rift (which won an Emmy Award no less) allowed viewers to see just the smallest of glimpses into the future of television, complete with 360 degree viewpoints and total, visceral immersion. In 2016, rapidly developing technology will provide new, exciting ways for viewers to €œexperience€ television shows. As networks like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video continue to duke it out attempting to outdo each other, there's no doubt we'll be seeing the incorporation of radical new technology.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.