10 Breaking Bad Mistakes Nobody Noticed

8. Schuler's Shocking Suicide

For those who can't remember, Peter Schuler was the head of the fast food division of Madrigal Electromotive GmbH, the parent company of Los Pollos Hermanos. Though he has returned since returned in Better Call Saul, there wasn't a whole lot to this character at the time that fans would have paid much attention to.

Once Gus Fring's carefully-constructed empire came crumbling down, things began to close in on Schuler however. He's introduced with a couple of detectives hot on his heels and, realising that there's no way of escaping, he locks himself in a company toilet, boots up an AED and shocks himself.

Most fans probably just dismissed this scene as tying up another loose end but, looking slightly deeper, it's actually a scene that makes very little sense. For starters, Schuler doesn't properly attach the machine to his chest in a way that it would adequately be able to detect his heart rate.

Secondly, even if he was able to attach the machine properly, it's clear to see that his heart rate wouldn't have been nearly irregular enough for the machine to trigger and shock him.

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Breaking Bad
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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.