10 Breaking Bad Mistakes Nobody Noticed

7. Lydia's Unique German

Breaking Bad Mistake

Speaking about Madrigal Electromotive GmbH, Lydia Rodarte-Quayle spends most of her time on screen as a paranoid executive for the company. She is at the epicentre of Madrigal's operations throughout the series, and begins to also feel the pressures of the net closing in when things start to go array with Gus Fring and co.

Following on from Schuler's shocking suicide, Lydia is shown on the phone to some of her German contacts and discussing, in German, the company's next steps forward.

Breaking Bad is a show often filled with scenes with characters speaking in languages other than English, and most of the time they're carefully handled. When it came to Lydia sitting down and speaking what most assumed was fluent German, most audience members were probably happy sitting back and read the subtitles that come up.

However, for anyone with a surface level of understanding for the German language, listening to this quick conversation will reveal that everyone's favourite executive is speaking a completely made up language. Her German-sounding gibberish sounded believable enough to be fair, but this lazy oversight is still surprisingly shoddy for a show like Breaking Bad.

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Breaking Bad
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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.